Science Resources


Rocks, Minerals, Landforms, Rock Cycle

Geology for Kids-Learn the three ways rocks are formed

Rocks for Kids- Find out about the three types of rocks

Different ways rocks are formed, short videos

How Rocks are Formed- information on the three ways are rocks are formed 

The Kids Fossil Webpage

Interactive Rock Cycle -This website has several animations that demonstrate how rocks are formed. There is also an interactive quiz which allows students to print a copy of their completed quiz.

Brain Pop Rock Cycle Movie- This is the Brain Pop movie archived with permission by National Geographic. There is no fee or membership to watch this short movie.

Exploring Earth- You will find quick simple animations to demonstrate how rocks are formed and the rock cycle.


Geo-Mysteries -This is an awesome site to learn about rocks and minerals. Students go through a series of investigations to solve a mystery.

Rock Hound- Tools, rules and everything you need to become a rock "hound." Animations, demonstrations, quizzes and puzzles about Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous rocks.


Mineral Information for Students- A complete list of minerals and all you need to know about them. 

Mineralogical Society of America's Site for Kids- Learn about mineral groups, the rock cycle, or Ask-a-Mineralologist your "rocky" question on the Mineralogical Society of America's site for kids.


Earth Science 

Weather- This is a very complete list of websites on weather. Definitely worth the visit! 

Miami Science Museum- This is a wonderful place to learn about tracking hurricanes and how to protect yourself and your  home from these dangerous storms.

The National Weather Service- NOAA site which provides current weather and climatic data, including archives

Dan's Wild Weather Page- Have fun with this site created by a TV Meteorologist.


Plants and their Structures

Plants and Our Environment -Learn about plants, pollination, germination, photosynthesis and more using this easy to read web site.

Plant Cells- Learn the parts of a plant cell. Clear, well labeled pictures. Interactive activity, teacher notes and worksheet. Don't be put off by the plain opening page!

Exploring the Secret Life of Trees- Learn all about the parts of a tree and why trees are important to us. Well done informative movie for kids. 

What Tree is It?- Look at the leaf or fruit and find what kind of tree it is! 

The Great Plant Escape- Solve a case and learn more about plants.

Revise Wise-Living Things- A wonderful site containing activities, worksheets and quizzes on various topics. Check out the topics under Living Things.                                                  


Buttonwood Park Zoo -This site has a great list of animals broken into categories, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds.

Endangered; Exploring a World at Risk This is a great site by the Museum of Natural History. It has a great list of endangered animals and habitats. 

Life in a Pond Click anywhere on this picture of a typical pond to learn more about the plants, insects and animals in this fresh water habitat. 

Kid Zone-National Wildlife Federation Visit water, wetlands, and other environments without leaving your computer  

Enchanted Learning-Animals Animal information and print outs- many animal print-outs with information.

Solar System

Star Child This is a site developed for kids to learn about the planets, stars, and space.Very complete and age appropriate.

Star Child-The Moon Use this site to learn about the different craters and landforms (or are they moonforms?) on the Moon. There are some really cool pictures of the moon and its craters close up. Check out the Moon Facts! 

The Solar System A cute site developed by an elementary teacher and her class.

Astronomy SongsThis site has a number of cute songs that you can listen to and sing along.

Windows to the UniverseThis is a wonderful sight with answers to many questions. Site has beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Foss Interactive Science ActivitiesCheck out the Sun, Moon and Stars Activity

States of Matter

BBC Bitesize: Science: Gases, Liquids & Solids 

Solids, Liquids, & Gases A short song about Solids, Liquids, and Gas. Very clear words with an explanation.

Properties of Matter This short animated clip demonstrates properties of solids liquids, and gases.

BBC Bitesize Properties of Matter

Many activities covering this topic. Each of the topics looks at the different facts you need to know about materials.